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World League - Bonus Round

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We’ve got a 10 day split ahead of us in the World League, where we’ve decided to do things a little differently. 

Welcome to the Bonus Round! 

As we have room for a short spilt before our next update, we’ve decided to have some fun by shaking things up a little while trying to address some of the feedback you’ve shared. 

With this new Bonus Round, we’re looking to give you some extra milestones to aim for and give you a chance to keep enjoying multiplayer for longer, while also leveling the progression field, and giving a fair chance for those stuck in lower leagues to also be able to complete the milestones. 

Starting this Sunday, the Bonus Round will last from the 1st to the 10th of December and come with the following tweaks: 

  • New Milestones and Rewards: Milestones have been reworked for the bonus round. No matter which league you're in, you’ll progress at a similar speed. We’ve also extended the total number of milestones you can earn, and if you have the MP Pass, you’ll receive double the rewards! Rewards have also been changed to award Credits and Tokens. Fully completing all milestones will award you 5,000,000 Credits and 500 Tokens. If you bought the MP Pass, that would double your rewards for 10,000,000 Credits and 1,000 Tokens! 
  • New End Rewards: We’ve also changed the end rewards to tokens. Depending on what league you end the Bonus Round, you can receive between 100 and 500 tokens. 
  • New Ranked Rewards: Finally, our ranked rewards have also been updated and will offer you Legend Packs and Epic Import Parts Packs based on your final rank! 

We’re really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the Bonus Round as we continue to work on new ways to improve the multiplayer experience in general. 

Once the Bonus Round kicks off this Sunday, head over to Discord and let us know your thoughts!

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