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Garage Level Updates
Jul 12, 2024

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We’re days away from the release of Asphalt Legends Unite! 

Before you’re finally able to get your hands on the update, we’d like to give you more details about our Garage Level Upgrade, as it’s more than simply raising the level cap. 

New Level Cap and Collector Stages 

The new Garage Level cap will be increased to 60 for Asphalt Legends Unite but it doesn’t end there! 

Once players reach lvl 20, we’ll be introducing them to Collector Stages: 

  • Collector Stage I: from level 21 to level 40 
  • Collector Stage II: from level 41 to level 60 

The first levels of each Collector Stage will also have lower point requirements to complete, so you can expect to quickly level through the first levels of each Collector Stage, before progression requirements ramp up again. 

Fair warning, reaching level 60 is not an easy task and will require the deepest of garages, so don’t expect any player to be able to hit it any time soon! 

Also, for those who have been sitting at level 18 for a while... don’t worry, because you’re about to hit the fast track! You’ll automatically level up to your new Garage Level when you first log into the game, and you won’t miss out on any level up rewards. 

Level Up Rewards 

Curious to find out what cars will unlock as rewards for each level? 

Then head on over to your favorite content creator, as they’ll likely have a video for you! We’ve shared the entire list as exclusive content to our content creators, for them to dive in and analyze along with their communities. 

Here's Nox Fury's video so you can check them out right now!

Asphalt Legends Unite is upon us, so get ready for release on July 17th!

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All manufacturers, cars, names, brands and associated imagery featured in the Asphalt Legends Unite: Legends mobile game are trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners.

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Contains in-app purchases and paid random items.

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